Recent Posts by admin

Schedule Proficiency Test for Agriculture

For Schedule Proficiency Test for Agriculture 2020, we us available comodity sample and parameters as follows: Fertilizer (Pupuk) Pupuk Urea: Kadar Air, Nitrogen, Kadar Biuret Pupuk NPK: Kadar Air, Nitrogen, Fosfat, Kalium sebagai (K2O) Pupuk Organik: pH, Nitrogen, Fosfor, Kalium Pupuk an Organik I: Besi, Tembaga, Mangan, Seng (Zn) Pupuk an Organik II:Timbal, Arsen, Mercury,…
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Schedule Proficiency Test for Food and Baverages

For Schedule Proficiency Test for Food and Baverages 2020, we us available comodity sample and parameters as follows: Drink (Minuman) AMDK I (Air Minum Dalam Kemasan): TDS, Sulfat, Klorida, pH AMDK II (Air Minum Dalam Kemasan): Mercuri, Selenium AMDK III (Air Minum Dalam Kemasan): Besi, Residu Klorin Bebas, Kadmium, Tembaga Minuman Berkarbonasi: As Benzoate, Caffein,…
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Schedule Proficiency Test for Oil and Gas

For Schedule Proficiency Test for Oil and Gas 2020, we us available comodity sample and parameters as follows: lubricants (Pelumas) Pelumas Otomotif: Kinematic Viscosity (400 C & 1000 C): Specific Gravity, Flash Point COC, Pour Point, Total acid Number, metal content (calcium, magnesium, zinc),viscocity at low temperature (CCS), Evaporation loss (Noack), Foaming Tandency/Stability (Seq I-II)…
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Schedule Proficiency Test for Mining

For Schedule Proficiency Test for Mining 2020, we us available comodity sample and parameters as follows: Batu Bara/Arang: Kadar Air, Kadar Abu, Nilai kalori Biji Emas (Gold Ore): Emas (Gold), Perak (Ag), Besi (Fe), Cardmium (Cd), Tembaga (Cu) Konsentrat Seng (Zinc Consentrate): Seng, perak, Alumunium (Al), Tembaga (Cu), Timbal (Pb), Silica (Si) Konsentrate Besi (Consentrate…
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